What is different about the CC6000?
NORLAND PRODUCTS INC. has taken a whole new approach to interferometric measurements of fiber optic connectors with the CC6000. The benefit to the customer is affordable quality control and quality assurance of high performance fiber optic connectors.
Unique Tilted PhaseInterferometry creates a circular fringe pattern on the connector. It is easiest to visualize this pattern as a topographical map of the surface. Each fringe is ½ a wavelength distance above or below the adjacent fringe and shows the 3D height difference across the surface. The spherical radius of curvature, and spherical offset are directly correlated to the diameter and spacing of these circular fringe patterns. Our unique algorithms take advantage of the extra information available when the connector is tilted slightly off axis to measure the fiber height. The spherical fiber height measurement is available because any change in the circular fringe pattern as it crosses the fiber is an indication of spherical protrusion or undercut. Accurate measurements can be made because the change in fiber height is proportional to this change.
PRECISION OFFSET MEASUREMENTSAnother novel feature is the ability to calculate the apex offset of the polish even in the preset tilted position. Whenthe connector is perpendicular to the optical path, the apex offset is the distance from the center of the fiber to thehighest point of the polish. Rotating the connector will not change the offset measurements because the center ofthe fiber is the center of rotation for the ferrule. If the connector is held in a tilted position to the optical path, theapex offset is the distance from the center of rotation to the highest point of the polish. With the CC6000, the centerof rotation can be calculated for any mount by measuring the connector in 8 positions. The multiple apex pointsdefine a circle with the center being the center of rotation. Once this calibration is performed on a mount, the apexoffset measurements can be accurately calculated for all connectors measured in that mount.These are just two of the unique concepts used to create the CC6000. For you, the customer, this breakthrough in technology means there is no other instrument on the market that can match it for fast, accurate, and affordable measurements of endface geometry for PC/APC connectors.
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